Monday, May 18, 2020

The Framers Of The Constitution Essay - 1797 Words

Throughout the 20th Century, American colleges and universities gained the reputation of being bastions of free speech and the discussion of ideas. While universities in Europe became less and less free, cowering to political correctness, American universities fiercely debated every major issue that faced the country. Most importantly though, liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Atheists and Christians, all believed in the spread of ideas, and free expression. However, while our institutions of higher learning remain significantly freer than their European counterparts, that reputation of freedom of speech is in doubt. Students and faculty are increasingly resentful towards anyone they deem to be perpetuating hate speech, a term that has spun wildly out of control. The Framers of the Constitution certainly never wished that their great experiment of a nation would succumb to the suppression of those with unpopular ideas, especially at the places in which children ar e expected to become adults, and explore new, and often provocative ideas. (I wonder) Whether it s the 40% of millennials who believe hate speech should be banned by the government, the screaming at and uninviting speakers with conservative beliefs, or the fear of speaking out,, the First Amendment is under attack in 2016, but is not yet lost. This generation will have to choose whether or not they want an Orwellian government that dictates what is and isn t an acceptable belief. The FirstShow MoreRelatedFramers of the Constitution1047 Words   |  5 PagesThe Framers of the Constitution and the Republicanism The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Even though it is the supreme law of the land, it is not well defined; it isn’t specific on multiple areas. Because of that, the constitution has been misjudged and miss interpreted in the past. However, there are certain parts were the Constitution is specific. It is partially specific on elements of the Constitution that embodies the republican principle of limited government, the three institutionsRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution930 Words   |  4 PagesThe framers of the Constitution predetermined that the Congress to be the foremost branch of the government. But not all the powers are enumerated in the Constitution, leaving some roof to the Supreme Court interpretation. Enumerated Powers, are the powers that are listed in the Constitution, which the Congress can hold to. Implied power is the last clause of the Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. It states that Congress my pass any law that is â€Å"necessa ry and proper† in order to be able toRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution Essay1346 Words   |  6 PagesCertain interests do not change over time in our society. Over 200 years ago, the prominent concern that led to the framing of the Constitution regarded the establishment of a government that was â€Å"for the people and by the people.† The framers of the Constitution, with concern of an over powering central government in mind, provided a basis for the structure of the federal government of the United States. The powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government are laid outRead MoreThe Framers And The Constitution2065 Words   |  9 PagesThe Framers chose federalism because they had already tried confederalism under the Articles of Confederation and had found that it created a central government that was too weak to do what was needed. They also did not go with a unitary system because people did not trust a central government becau se the people had just become free from a centralized British government that was too oppressive. Also in choosing federalism it prevented against tyranny. The want to split the power of government soRead MoreThe Framers And The Constitution2216 Words   |  9 PagesFirstly, The framers wrote the Constitution with the original intent that the philosophy of interpreting it would be strict. They wanted to clearly state exactly how the government will be set up and how the powers of it will be evenly distributed. If the framers were going to make a document that completes so many great objectives and perfects the flaws of the Articles of Confederation, why would they want the people who read the Constitution to interpret it loosely? Such a philosophy would defeatRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution2168 Words   |  9 PagesCivics and Citizenship The Framers of the Constitution looked to history for examples of governments that directly represented the people. Early Romans wanted to create a lasting republic, a government in which citizens rule themselves through elected representatives. A republic is a government in which citizens rule themselves through elected representatives. Americans liked the roman form of government but also knew that eventually the Roman republic became a dictatorship, a government in whichRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution1146 Words   |  5 PagesThe Framers of the Constitution in 1787 believed the people weren’t intelligent enough to choose their own leader. They were concerned how informed their voters would be and decided that the president should be elected indirectly. Thus, the Electoral College was produced. The Electoral College, fundamentally, prohibits civilians from voting directly for the president. How does this work? First, the country holds the popular vote. Every ade quate voter in every state gets one vote for the presidentRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe framers of the Constitution regarded the right to free speech as a great standard they decided to make free speech the First Amendment. If society is limited to talk openly, one can t safeguard freedom of speech. Can you imagine a scenario in which the rights and everything that is freedom is gone? The right to speak freely gives us the capacity to convey thoughts without government control. The right to speak freely enables a person’s capacity to think and to express thoughts in different methodsRead MoreThe Framers Of The U.s. Constitution Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pagesthem possess greed that is more virtuous than individual greed. The Framers of the U.S. Constitution recognized this abuse of power and were intent to put in place a system that included separation of powers and checks and balances to protect American citizens from tyranny. Altho ugh the Constitution does not specifically address term limits on public servants in government leadership, there is evidence that some of the Framers understood that the negative effects of power hungry public officialsRead MoreThe Framers Of The U.s. Constitution1713 Words   |  7 Pages In order to understand the motivation of the Framers of the U.S. Constitution one must review the event leading up to it. When the war with Great Britain finally came to a close, the Colonialist of America became weary of what was to come. Many who were well versed in Tomas Hobbes and John Locke feared, without proper action and if not too long delayed, the that states would find themselves in a State of Nature. In time, after it became clear that with the abdication of George III the sovereignty

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